
What is a feather flag

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What is a feather flag

Resembling a feather, whether there is wind, can keep its surface smooth, full display. At the same time with the wind rotation, more attractive to the eye, to achieve the effect of the exhibition display, is the feature of this flag is also because of this flag is very popular in foreign countries.

There are two kinds of carbon and aluminum rod towing mast design, easy to carry, inserted section design, quick installation. At present, the domestic market of the two designs have sales, mainly for outdoor events / activities / auto 4S shop promotion. As a new high-end products, gradually replacing the traditional flags. If there is high demand for wind resistance strength, should pay attention to when shopping for bar material and pipe wall thickness.

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At the same time, in order to ensure the propaganda effect, the proposal is based on the use of the environment to select the appropriate base, such as soft sandy beach / grass to select the base.